Atlantisch dilemma : de toekomst van de mens in het licht van de voedingscapaciteit van de aarde / Lord Boyd Orr ; met medew. van … biological monographs and manuals Statistical methods for research workers / by R.A. Fisher Statistical tables for biological, agricultural and medical research / R. A. Fisher and F. Yates Building materials : being an introduction to the study of the principal materials used in building construction / by A.P. Laurie university mathematical texts Vector methods : applied to differential geometry, mechanics and potential theory / by D.E. Rutherford Leven naast het kamp : Kamp Vught en de Vughtenaren, 1942-1944 / Boyd van Dijk design of experiments / by Ronald A. Fisher camera became my passport home : Stalag Luft 3, The Great Escape, The Forced March and the Liberation at Moosburg ; The memoirs of Charles … cass series: strategy and history Science, strategy and war : the strategic theory of John Boyd / Frans P.B. Osinga