Kun je nog zingen, zing dan mee! : tekstboekje / [door] J. Veldkamp en K. de Boer Grondbeginselen der draadlooze telegrafie / door J. Houtsmuller communications of the "van der waals-fund" Contribution to the quantum-mechanical theory of the equation of state and the law of corresponding states : determination of the law of force of helium … communications of the "van der waals-fund" influence of the interaction of more than two molecules on the molecular distribution-function in compressed gases / by J. de Boer and A. Michels communications of the "van der waals-fund" Isotherms of nitrogen between 0ÿê and 150ÿê and at pressures from 20 to 80 atm / A. Michels, H. Wouters and J. de Boer Pieter de Boer : geschreven portretten / verz. en van comment. voorz. door J. Jeensma ; [voorw. S. Slagman, naw. P. de Boer] Prehistorie, Romeinse tijd, Middeleeuwen, vijftiende en zestiende eeuw / onder red. van G. Asaert, J. van Beylen en H.P.H. Jansen communications of the "van der waals-fund" Calculation of thermodynamic properties of nitrogen up to 3000 atm. between 0ÿê and 150ÿê / by A. Michels, H. Wouters and J. de Boer communications of the "van der waals-fund" suggested explanation for some properties of liquid He II / by A. Michels, A. Bijl and J. de Boer communications of the "van der waals-fund" Quantum-mechanical calculation of the second virial-coefficient of helium at low temperatures / by J. de Boer and A. Michels Leidraad tot het erkenningsexamen / [geschr. door] J. de Boer, J.M. van Buuren ; geheel herz. en bijgew. door J. de Boer