Blauwe baretten tussen twee vuren in Libanon / samengest. door Piet Kamphuis, Bob van Opzeeland en Almar Tjepkema, in samenw. met de Sectie Militaire Geschiedenis … helvoets historische reeks Kanongebulder in de verte : Hellevoetsluis en omgeving tijdens de mobilisatie 1914-1918 / Bob Benschop tiniest guns : A catalog for collectors of 2mm pinfire and rimfire miniatures / Bob Urso luftwaffe in combat 1939-45 Voices from the Luftwaffe / Bob Carruthers eastern front from primary sources Red Army in combat 1941-1945 / by Bob Carruthers hitler's war machine German Artillery in Combat / Edited and introduced by Bob Carruthers hitler's war machine Panzers at war 1943-1945 / by Bob Carruthers hitler's war machine Panzers at war 1939-1942 / by Bob Carruthers military history from primary sources Soldiers of the Empire : the note-books of Captain Coignet / edited and introduced by Bob Carruthers military history from primary sources Sea battles in the age of sail / by James Grant ; edited and introduced by Bob Carruthers military history from primary sources Waterloo 1815 :Captain Mercer's journal / edited by W.H. Fitchett ; introduced by Bob Carruthers world war ii from original sources By air to battle : The Official History of the British Paratroops in World War II / edited and introduced by Bob Carruthers