course de l'Amérique à la victoire : exposé de l'effort militaire américain de 1917 à 1918 / Réquin ; lettre d'approbation de M. Baker island race / [by] Winston S. Churchill ; [an abridgement by] Timothy Baker Egyptian question being letters to The Times and Pall Mall Gazette / By Sir Samuel White Baker picture book of brasses in gilt / [by] Henry Trivick Remarks on rifle guns / E. Baker spectroscope : its uses in general analytical chemistry : book for practical chemists / by T. Thorne Baker Double fold : libraries and the assault on paper / Nicholson Baker Vacuum-tube circuits / by Lawrence Baker Arguimbau Preliminary tactics : an introduction to the study of war / E. Baker Manual for army bakers 1910 Wartime, food procurement and production / Benjamin Baker American air service : a record of its problems, its difficulties, its failures and its final achievements / A. Sweetser ; with an intr. by …