Conflicting visions : war and visual culture in Britain and France c. 1700-1830 / ed. by John Bonehill and Geoff Quilley Information management in museums / Elizabeth Orna and Charles Pettitt ; forw. by Max Hebditch Thou shalt not" : 100 hints to newly commissioned officers complete guide to military map reading Military customs / T.J. Edwards essentials of military knowledge / D.K. Palit ; with a forew. by Claude Auchinleck Military customs / by T.J. Edwards Mascots and pets of the services / T.J. Edwards Grenadier Guards 1939-1945 Mountain warfare on the sand model / Major D.B. Mackenzie, 5th Bn. The frontier Forze Rifles Indian Army (Retd.) Principles of army instruction / by C.W. Valentine british and canadian armies in the campaigns in north-west europe, 1944-1945 short story of 21 army group / Hugh Darby, Marcus Cunliffe