Artillery Training. Gunnery, Volume IV. Pamphlet no. 18. Predictor A.A. no. 4. WO 7022 Artillery Training. Part I. A.A. Gunnery, Pamphlet no. 36. Equipment Radar A.A. no. 3. Mark 5. WO 7035 Artillery Training. Volume IV. Part I. Pamphlet no. 22. A.A. Gunnery, Predictor A.A. no. 10. WO 7047 Artillery Training. Volume IV. Part I. Pamphlet no. 31. A.A. Gunnery, Fire Control With Predictor A.A. no. 10. WO 7079 Artillery Training. Volume IV. Part I. Pamphlet no. 11. A.A. Gunnery. Fire Control L.A.A. WO 7084 Artillery Training. Volume IV. Part I. Pamphlet no. 20. A.A. Gunnery, Fire Control With Plotting Equipment (H.A.A). WO 7086 Artillery Training. Volume IV. Part I. Pamphlet no. 4. A.A. Gunnery. Use range tables (Heavy and Light A.A). and corrections for abnormal conditions (Heavy A.A.). … Artillery Training. Volume IV. Part II. Pamphlet no. 14. A.A. Searchlights. Gunnery. The training of searchlight operatives generator attendants, WO 7116 Artillery Training. Volume IV. Part I. Pamphlet no. 12. A.A. Gunnery. Preparation for action and fire discipline (H.A.A). WO 7123 Artillery Training. Volume IV. Part II. Pamphlet no. 10. Searchlights. Radar A.A. no. 2. WO 7128 Artillery Training. Volume IV. Part II. Pamphlet no. 17. A.A. Gunnery. General Principles of A.A. Radar. WO 7140 Artillery Training.. Volume IV. Part I. Pamphlet no. 25. A.A. Gunnery, Tactical Control.. WO 7039