Batavia als handels-, industrie- en woonstad / samengest. in opdracht van de stadsgemeente Batavia = Batavia as a commercial, industrial and residential center / written … European weapons and armour : from the Renaissance to the Industrial Revolution / Ewart Oakeshott ; with line illustrations by the author Modern Japan : its political, military, and industrial organization / by William Montgomery McGovern ; with a pref. by E. Denison Ross Nederlandsche gemeentewapens / [met een inl. van T. van der Laars] rise and progress of the British explosives industry / published under the auspices of the VIIth international congress of applied chemistry by its explosives section European weapons and armour : from the Renaissance to the Industrial Revolution / Ewart Oakeshott ; with line illustrations by the author van trio aan zijn zakenvrienden Papyriana / F. Kerdijk Essai sur l'importance du commerce, de la navigation et de l'industrie, dans les provinces formant le royaume des Pays-Bas, depuis les temps les plus reculés … industrialisatie van China / door Han Tiauw Tjong Levend ijzer / Vanessa Everts en Pauline van Lynden Living iron / Vanessa Everts and Pauline van Lynden