Israël in Zuid Libanon : getuigenissen en documenten / Kantoor van de Arabische Liga Naar Libanon : deel 5 / Ministerie van Defensie, Directie Voorlichting anatomy of the Israeli army / [by] Gunther E. Rothenberg This is war! : Robert Capa at work / [text by] Richard Whelan ; [forew. by Willis E. Hartshorn ; introd. by Christopher Phillips] soldier's diary : Sinai 1967 / Yael Dayan Three weeks in October / by Yaël Dayan Diary of the Sinai Campaign / Moshe Dayan Sinai blunder : withdrawal of the United Nations emergency force leading to the Six-Day War of June 1967 / Indar Jit Rikhye Breakthrough : a personal account of the Egypt-Israel peace negotiations / [by] Moshe Dayan sais papers in international affairs Peacekeeping on Arab-Israeli fronts : lessons from the Sinai and Lebanon / Nathan A. Pelcovits Fifty Years War : Israel and the Arabs / Ahron Bregman, Jihan El-Tahri vliegtuigen in gevecht Arabisch-Israëlische luchtoorlogen 1967-1982 / [Shlomo Aloni] ; [vert. ILC Taleninstituut]