leidschrift Ten oorlog! : Europese oorlogen 1789-1919 / [Henk Wesseling ... et al.] penguin politics - history utility of force : the art of war in the modern world / Rupert Smith Nieuwe geschiedenis van de fotografie in Nederland : Dutch eyes / red.: Flip Bool ... [et al. ; auteurs: Saskia Asser ... et al. ; … Józef Pilsudski : marszalkowi w holdzie / Muzeum Wojska Polskiego België in kaart : de evolutie van het landschap in drie eeuwen cartografie / Marc Beyaert ... [et al. ; vert. Pierre Herment ... et … Bezoekersgids militaire erebegraafplaats Peutjut = Visitors´guide military cemetery of honour Peutjut = Buku panduan kuburan militer Peutjut : in Banda Aceh / door G.A. Geerts osprey campaign series Tel el-Kebir 1882 : Wolseley's conquest of Egypt / Donald Featherstone osprey campaign series Khartoum, 1885 : General Gordon's last stand / Don Featherstone osprey campaign series Majuba 1881 : the hill of destiny / Ian Castle osprey campaign series Zulu War 1879 : twilight of a warrior nation / Ian Knight, Ian Castle osprey campaign series Isandlwana 1879 : the great Zulu victory / Ian Knight ; ill. by Adam Hook ; consultant ed. David G Chandler ; [maps by The … nber series on long-term factors in economic development Heroes & cowards : the social face of war / Dora L. Costa & Matthew E. Kahn