Korte handleiding voor instructie : ten dienste van onderdeelen van Nederlandsche Binnenlandsche Strijdkrachten / Staf Bevelhebber Nederlandsche Strijdkrachten - Centraal Bureau Militaire Opleiding Duitsche wapenen : deel 1 infanterie wapenen - Koninklijke Landmacht voorschrift no. 810 army service forces catalog Medical supply catalog : list of items for troops, camps and stations military training pamphlet Royal Armoured Corps : weapons : Light Tanks, mark VIc : armament 7.92-mm and 15-mm Besa machine guns army service forces catalog Quartermaster supply catalog : list of items for troop issue : List of items for troop issue : enlisted men's clothing and equipment army service forces catalog Quartermaster supply catalog : list of items for troop issue : List of items for issue to troops, miscellaneous organizational equipment Ontwerp-oorlogssamenstelling van een bataljon infanterie World War II soldier's guide 1943 Algemeene instructie voor de Binnenlandsche Strijdkrachten / [inl. van: Bernard, Prins der Nederlanden] field manual Infantry drill regulations / prepared under direction of the Chief of Infantry Antiaircraft artillery : gunnery, fire control, position finding and horizontal fire, case I firing. - USA Coast Artillery Field Manual, FM 4-112 Field artillery : tactics and technique of division artillery and higher artillery echelons - USA War Department Field Manual, FM 6-100