Emergency war surgery : handbook of emergency treatment and initial surgical care of war wounds / NATO Future of Nato forces : a transatlantic conference held in Washington, D.C., November 17-18, 1986 / co-sponsored by the Institute for Foreign Policy Analysis, Inc., … Interim report of the Sub-committee on conventional defence : new patterns of European security collaboration / co-rapporteurs Jaime Gama, Rafael Estrella ; North Atlantic Assembly. … Special report on global challenges and the alliance : broadening traditional security definitions / North Atlantic Assembly. Political Committee ; chairman and special rapporteur Bruce … Interim report / North Atlantic Assembly. Special Committee on Alliance Strategy and Arms Control ; co-rapporteurs Ton Frinking, Douglas Bereuter Exchange of information on defence planning 2000 - 2004 : pursuant to Vienna document 1999 : Kingdom of the Netherlands / Organization for Security and … Beschaafd ageren voor de NAVO' : 50 jaar Atlantische Commissie / Remco van Diepen ; met bijdragen van Bram Boxhoorn ... [et al. ; eindred.: … AFCENT Officers' ball 1969 / org. by the Officers of the Headquarters Allied Forces Central Europe ; under the presidency of Jürgen Bennecke truppendienst-taschenbücher Armeen der NATO-Staaten : Organisation-Kriegsbild : Waffen ind Gerät / Friedrich Wiener ; bearb. der Wehrtechnischen Teiles: Franz Kosar Questionnaire for the 1966 annual review / North Atlantic Council Organisation du Traité de l'Atlantique Nord : pourquoi le Traité a été signé : les clauses du Traité : comment fonctionne l'Organisation Atlantique / publié … Verklaring over de atlantische betrekkingen