Command culture : officer education in the U.S. Army and the German Armed Forces, 1901-1940, and the consequences for World War II / Jörg Muth Life saving and water safety / prepared by the American National Red Cross Infanterie im Kampf : kriegserfahrung gegen Friedensirrtümer / George C. Marshall : I. Teil wereldmacht van het Witte Huis : de geheime documenten van Harry Hopkins, Roosevelts rechterhand / [door] Robert E. Sherwood ; geautoriseerde vert. van B. Koning united states army in world war ii army and industrial manpower / by Byron Fairchild and Jonathan Grossman university of chicago war papers Americans and the world-crisis / Albion W. Small Can we be neutral? / by Allen W. Dulles and Hamilton Fish Armstrong Civilian conservation corps regulations Mental tests in the American army / compiled and ed. by Clarence S. Yoakum and Robert M. Yerkes Gunnery, fire control and position finding for antiaircraft artillery English and American voices about the German South Tyrol / S. Miles Bouton, Robert Dell and Charles Harold Herford pocket books Mission to Moscow / Joseph E. Davies