rusi defence studies series future of the Atlantic alliance / Christopher Coker ; foreword by Laurence Martin militair-strategisch denken in de Verenigde Staten en de Sowjet-Unie : overeenkomsten en verschillen / G.C. Berkhof en P.M.E. Volten Dictionary of military terms / [comp. by the] U.S. Department of Defense ; introd. by Charles Messenger fifteen nations : special Michigan issue studies in international security Strategic mobility / Neville Brown Readings in World Military Systems / Air University. Air Force ROTC : Volume III Met het oog op de U.S.A. : voordrachten-cyclus / Werkgroep 2000 : 2: De Verenigde Staten en de NATO / A.L. Constandse atlantic policy studies Atlantic idea and its European rivals / Harold van B. Cleveland ; [forw. by Charles M. Spofford] Transatlantic security agenda : a conference report and analysis / Stephen J. Blank atlantic policy studies troubled partnership : a re-appraisal of the Atlantic alliance / by Henry A. Kissinger studies in defense policy U.S. force structure in NATO: an alternative : a staff paper / [by] Richard D. Lawrence and Jeffrey Record Uniformen in den NATO-Staaten 1900 bis heute = Uniforms in the NATO nations nineteen-hundred to date = Uniformes dans les pays membres de l'OTAN de …