united states army in world war ii Transportation Corps : movements, training, and supply / Chester Wardlow united states army in world war ii Transportation corps : responsibilities, organization, and operations / by Chester Wardlow Uniforms, weapons and equipment of the World War II G.I fighting forces series Biennal report of the Chief of Staff of the United States Army, July 1, 1943 to June 30, 1943 to the Secretary of War / … American atom : a documentary history of nuclear policies from the discovery of fission to the present, 1939-1984 / Robert C. Williams and Philip L. … Air power : key to survival / by Alexander P. De Seversky crest giant longest day / Cornelius Ryan army air forces aviation psychology program research reports Psychological research on operational training in the continental air forces / ed by Meredith P. Crawford ...[et al] united states army in world war ii approach to the Philippines / by Robert Ross Smith key uniform guides U.S. airborne forces Europe 1942-45 / by Brian L. Davis Weapons of World War II / by G.M. Barnes american forces in action Salerno : American operations from the beaches to the Volturno : (9 September-6 October 1943) / Historical Division, War Department ; [with a forew. by …