united states army in world war ii Cartwheel : the reduction of Rabaul / by John Miller, Jr united states army in world war ii army and industrial manpower / by Byron Fairchild and Jonathan Grossman united states army in world war ii Triumph in the Philippines / by Robert Ross Smith united states army in world war ii Guarding the United States and its outposts / by Stetson Conn, Rose C. Engelman, Byron Fairchild united states army in world war ii Quartermaster Corps : operations in the war against Germany / by William F. Ross and Charles F. Romanus united states army in world war ii chemical warfare service : organizing for war / by Leo P. Brophy and George J.B. Fisher What you should know about Army Ground Forces / J.I. Greene q.m.c. historical studies Demobilization Planning and Operation in the Quartermaster Corps / by Erna Risch united states army in world war ii Stilwell's mission to China / by Charles F. Romanus and Riley Sunderland War as I knew it / George S. Patton, Jr. ; annot. by Paul D. Harkins Continuance of national service life insurance : information for veterans of world war II Crusade in Europe / Dwight David Eisenhower