art of Jeep : from propaganda to advertising / Jerome Hadacek War baby! Comes Home : the U.S. caliber .30 carbine vol. 2 / by Lary L. Ruth ; produced and edited by R. Blake Stevens War baby! : the U.S. caliber .30 carbine / by Lary L. Ruth ; produced and edited by R. Blake Stevens War baby III : the U.S. carbine into the 21st century / by Lary L. Ruth ; produced and edited by R. Blake Stevens images of war special M4 Sherman / Pat Ware ; illustrated by Brian Delf Military symbols and abbreviations key uniform guides United States infantry, Europe 1942-1945 / Howard P. Davies Tactics and performance of American Army air bombardment and enemy fighter interception : since 7 december 1941 / prepared by The Intelligence Section of the … american forces in action series Small unit actions / Historical division, War Department Van invasie tot victorie : het volledige rapport over den Oorlog in West-Europa / Dwight D. Eisenhower ; met een inl. en onder de geautoriseerde … american forces in action series St.-Lô (7 July - 19 July 1944) / U.S. War Department Historical Division wereldmacht van het Witte Huis : de geheime documenten van Harry Hopkins, Roosevelts rechterhand / [door] Robert E. Sherwood ; geautoriseerde vert. van B. Koning