duizend dagen : John F. Kennedy in het Witte Huis / Arthur M. Schlesinger Jr. ; [vert. uit het Amerikaans door J. Eijkelboom ... et … militärwissenschaftliche aufsätze strategischen Pläne der imperialistischen Aggressoren / Egbert von Frankenberg Aanloop tot wapenbeheersing? : het eerste SALT-akkoord / [door Joris Bakker] Civil defense against atomic warfare ; a selected reading list / prepared for the national Security Resources Board by the U.S. Atomic Energy Commission Nuclear weapons and foreign policy / by Henry A. Kissinger ; forew. by Gordon Dean fifteen nations : special Michigan issue agenda paper / national strategy information center United States and the Persian Gulf : past mistakes, present needs / by Alvin J. Cottrell and Michael L. Moodie Salt : onderhandelingen over strategische wapens / [door] W. F. van Eekelen After the A bomb? : emergency care in atomic warfare / ed. by Charles F. Behrens ; [contr. by Charles F. Behrens, Eugene P. Cronkite … Geschiedeniswerkplaats / J. Beetsma. Leerlingenboek / J. Beetsma : 1: De koude oorlog cold war: a study in U.S. foreign policy / Walter Lippmann Survival in the air age : a report / by the President's Air Policy Commission