complete book of U.S. sniping / Peter R. Senich osprey élite series US marine corps since 1945 / text by Lee E. Russell ; colour pl. by Andy Carroll elite series US Army Special Forces 1952-84 / text by Gordon L. Rottman ; colour plates by Ron Volstad Bradley : a history of American fighting and support vehicles / R.P. Hunnicutt, forew. by Stan R. Sheridan samworth books on firearms Gunsmithing : a manual of firearmsdesign, construction, alternation and remodeling : for amateur and professional gunsmiths and users of modern firearms / by Roy F. … infantry division / by Lieutenant Colonel Dorsey E. McCrory Firing tables : launcher, rocket, 762mm; truck-mounted, M289; firing rocket, 762mm; M31A1 and M31A1C with AK-M57 an AK-XM57E1 warhead762mm rocket, flash-smoke xm4E1 Verslag dienstreis naar de Verenigde Staten 21 april - 16 mei 1951 / door de Luitenant-Generaal M.R.H. Calmeyer history of the American light tank / by R.P. Hunnicutt ; line drawings by D.P. Dyer ; color drawing by Uwe Feist ; foreword by … American defense policy / prepared by associates in political science, United air force academy: Wesley W. Posvar, John C. Ries [,etc.] militair-strategisch denken in de Verenigde Staten en de Sowjet-Unie : overeenkomsten en verschillen / G.C. Berkhof en P.M.E. Volten Fort Monmouth officers handbook / [Signal Corps]