effort de l'Angleterre : sept lettres à un ami américain / Mrs. Humphry Ward ; préf. de M. Gabriel Hanotaux Women war workers : accounts contributed by representative workers of the work done by women in the more important branches of war employment / edited … Doing their bit : war work at home / F. Cable ; with a pref. by David Lloyd George dispatches of field marshal the Duke of Wellington, during his various campaigns in India, Denmark, Portugal, Spain, the Low Countries and France, from 1799 to … Water under the bridges / Nevile Henderson Operatiën van het Engelsche Expeditieleger (overgenomen uit de Times) / Generaal French Polar Bears : from Normandy to the relief of Holland with the 49th Division / Patrick Delaforce museums of the armed services / report by a working party, Museums & Galleries Commission van eyck libraries project Ownership van eyck libraries project Artist van eyck libraries project Date van eyck libraries project International survey of standards & practices for artist identification & cataloguing