imperial war museum Photographic records of the Great War, 1914-1918 (Army) / publ. by authority of the Trustees Oliver Cromwell : 4. Theil: 1650-1657 / Fritz Hoenig Army equipment : Equipment of military train / H.M. Hozier military forces of the crown : their organisation and equipment / by W.H. Daniel ; ed. by T. Miller Maguire militärsiche zeitfragen englische Armee im Felde / von Balck britische Armee : 62 ausgewählte neue Fotos / bearb. von Captain J.R. Kennedy ; deutsch von Arthur Ehrhardt world in flames. history of world war ii Battle of Britain British News 1940-1945 anti-aircraft defence of the United Kingdom from 28th July, 1939, to 15th April 1945 / by Frederick A. Pile Into battle / speeches by the Right Hon. Winston S. Churchill ; comp. by Randolph S. Churchill Military studies : written for the use of his officers / by Marshal Ney ; transl. from the marshal's originals manuscripts by G.H. Caunter ; … military dictionary : comprising terms, scientific and otherwise, connected with the science of war / Comp. by Major-General G.E. Voyle ... Assisted by Captain G. …