acta Coming to the Americas : the Eurasian military impact on the development of the western hemisphere = Venir en Amériques : l'influence militaire Eurasiatique sur … Pre-induction vocational training in machine shop practice Pre-induction vocational training in auto-mechanics Cavalry tactics in three parts : school of the trooper, of the platoon, of the squadron and the evolutions of a regiment American Petrol = Patrouille Américaine Cavalry drill regulations [for the] United States Army Regulations for the army of the United States Cavalry drill regulations [for the] United States Army 1916 Victory Medaille [ WO II, USA] - Amerikaanse overwinningsmedaille geallieerde overwinningsmedaille 1914-1918, Amerikaanse versie Metalen herinneringsspeld, 1917, Amerika Patroontas van groene webbing met DOT-drukker en draagriem, vermoedelijk Amerikaans (na 1945)