Training memorandum / Civil Defence Corps Royal Army Service Corps training memorandum Royal Army Service Corps training memorandum : No.2 memorandum center of international studies princeton university Is the American defense effort enough? / by Klaus Knorr Uitgangspunten opleidingsfilosofie : intern memorandum / Koninklijke Landmacht . Directie Operatiën Memorandum : Maatregelen tegen Leegloop en Verveling Materiel instruction memorandum : The Firing Battery 105mm Howitzer M2 Gunnery instruction memorandum : The Graphical Firing Table (GFT) Materiel instruction memorandum : 75mm Pack Howitzer, M-1 Materiel instruction memorandum : Preparation of Vehicles for Deep Water Fording Materiel instruction memorandum : Duties of the Safety Officer Gunnery instruction memorandum : Conduct of Fire by Forward Observation Methods