Coast Artillery. Seacoast Artillery. Fire Control and Position Finding. FM 4-15 field manual Seacoast artillery : service of the piece : 12-inch Mortar, railway artillery field manual Seacoast artillery : service of the piece : 8-inch Gun, railway artillery Ter herinnering aan het 125-jarig bestaan van de Nederlandsche kustartillerie, 1814 - 9 januari - 1939 kanon van 24 cM. IJzer : werkpaard van de Nederlandse Kustartillerie, 1870-1920 / J.R. Verbeek ; met een bijdrage van A.W. Kap Instructions governing Shore-Tug Signaling during coast artillery drill and target practice Regulations for the instruction and target practice of coast artillery troops Coast artillery drill regulations Coast artillery instruction order Coast artillery corps : II - USA Voorschrift, Training Regulations, No. 435 Coast artillery corps - USA Voorschrift, Training Regulations, No. 435 Coast artillery corps : I - USA Voorschrift, Training Regulations, No. 435