report to the president, the senate and the house of representatives road to Tokyo & beyond / by the Director of war mobilization and reconversion Nonproliferation of nuclear weapons : hearings before the Joint committee on atomic energy, Congress of the United States, 89th Congress, 2nd session, on S.Res. 19 … Armed forces day, active & reserve forces, 1963 : power for peace / Department of defence bulletin Military manpower requirements and supply, 1954-1960 monograph series on the american military participation in the world war genesis of the American First Army ... / Prepared in the Historical Section, Army War College, August, 1928 United States magnetic tables and magnetic charts for ... Report to Congress on the Mutual security program ... Soviet military power / [United States of America, Department of Defense] Civil defense against atomic warfare ; a selected reading list / prepared for the national Security Resources Board by the U.S. Atomic Energy Commission war department technical manual Fundamentals of artillery weapons KILN certification / issued by the Army-Navy Civil Committee on Aircraft Design Criteria ; under the supervision of the Aeronautical Board special publication Magnetic surveys : purposes, methods and instruments / Coast and Geodetic Survey, U.S. Department of Commerce