indictment Miljkovic & others ('Bosanski Samac') : (21 july 1995) / United Nations. International criminal tribunal for the former Yugoslavia indictment Jelisic & Cesic ('Brcko') : (21 july 1995) / United Nations, International criminal tribunal for the former Yugoslavia indictment Martic : (25 july 1995) / United Nations. International criminal tribunal for the former Yugoslavia indictment Rajic ('Stupni Do') : (23 august 1995) / United Nations. International criminal tribunal for the former Yugoslavia indictment Kordic & others ('Lasva River Valley area') : (10 november 1995) / United Nations. International criminal tribunal for the former Yugoslavia Warum brauchen wir die Wehrpflicht? : eine Denkschrift der Bundesregierung soldaat vaart thuis / tekst: M.J. Giphart ; ill.: Otto Dicke