Operatie Seelöwe : "de Duitse invasie in Engeland" / door David Lampe ; [vert. uit het Engels door H. Kley] cassell's history of warfare Cold War : a military history / Lawrence Freedman ; general ed.: John Keegan Marlborough as military commander / David Chandler ; foreword by His Grace the Eleventh Duke of Marlborough Orders, decorations, medals, and badges of the Third Reich / David Littlejohn and C. M. Dodkins. Assisted by Roger James Bender Shield of David : the story of Israel's armed forces / Yigal Allon Mantons : gunmakers / [by] W. Keith Neal and D. H. L. Back publication Graphical methods : a course of lectures delivered in Columbia university, New York, October, 1909, to January, 1910 / by C. Runge mens en bedrijfsleven Kaderproblemen in het moderne bedrijf / door E.P. Learned, D.N. Ulrich, D.R. Booz ; vert. door P.A. Hermans Russian campaigns of 1944-1945 / by W.E.D. Allen and Paul Muratoff Physical and dynamical meteorology / by David Brunt Europeesche oorlog / rede uitgesproken door David Lloyd George in Queen's Hall te Londen op 19 September 1914 ; [vert. uit het Engelsch] ballantine's illustrated history of the violent century. war leader book Stilwell / [by] D. D. Rooney