Materiel instruction memorandum : The Firing Battery 155mm Howitzer M1 Tactics instruction memorandum : Radio voice procedure for field artillery Logarithmic trigonometric and short-base tables Gunnery instruction memorandum : Use of Photomaps in Field Artillery Battalion Survey and Unobserved Fire Gunnery instruction memorandum : Laying A Mosaic by Radial Line Method Gunnery instruction memorandum : The Aerial O.P. Materiel instruction memorandum : Field Artillery Ammunition Persoonsgebonden ensemble van D.A. Nederlof, bestaande uit onder andere voorschriften en persoonlijke documenten German sniper, 1914-1945 / by Peter R. Senich struggle for Europe / by Chester Wilmot Stoottroepen 1944-1984 / samengest. door J.A.M.M. Janssen, P.M.H. Groen, C.M. Schulten ontstaan van het Regiment Stoottroepen / [E.J. Feenstra]