Russia's fighting men / by J.B. Heisler ; with a preface by The dean of Canterbury ; [transl. by Kevin Browne] anatomy of glory : Napoleon and his guard : a study in leadership / adapted from the French of Henry Lachouque ; by Anne S.K. … marka-boeken Bedrijfspsychologie / J.A.C. Brown ; [vert. uit het Engels door A. Hoekstra en H.J. ten Houten] special publication / u.s. department of commerce, coast and geodetic survey determination of the relative values of gravity at Potsdam and Washington / by E.J. Brown pan grand strategy series Imperial War Museum book of the First World War / Malcolm Brown Smeerkaart voor de vierling-affuit Browning .50 in. M45 en 2-wielige onderaffuit M20 - Koninklijke Landmacht Voorschrift, Smeerkaart SK9-580 Browning machine gun / by Dolf L. Goldsmith ; ed. by R. Blake Stevens Schietvoorschrift burgerbewakingspersoneel. Browning Pistool. VS 2-1015 Military Training Pamphlet. no. 35. Part 13. Royal Armoured Corps. Weapons.30-inch Browning Machine Gun Affuit, Mitrailleur FN. v/Mitrailleur.50 inch, Browning, M2, HB. 3/5 DL 1005-13-103-4400 Mitrailleur.50 inch, Browning M2, HB. v/affuit toren M26 op YPR-765. 3/5 DL 1005-17-027-2947 Pistool 9 mm. Browning. FN. GP. M68. cpl. Kmar. 1 DL 1005-17-039-0292