avia reeks bommenwerperoffensief tegen Duitsland / B. van der Klaauw the illustrated international aircraft guide Fighters of World War II part 1 / Bernard Fitzsimons ; consultant Bill Gunston the illustrated international aircraft guide Modern fighters part 2 / Michael J Gething ; consultant Bill Gunston the illustrated international aircraft guide Modern fighters part 1 / David Scallon ; consultant Bill Gunston the illustrated international aircraft guide Sporting and homebuilt aircraft / Michael F Jerram ; consultant ed.: Bill Gunston groot Guinness luchtvaart boek / John W.R. Taylor, Michael J.H. Taylor, David Mondey ; vert. [uit het Engels] en bew. door Bart van der Klaauw Burgerluchtvaart in Nederland : het vooroorlogse register : Van PH-AJA tot PH-AKZ / Hugo Hooftman combat aircraft library British fighters of World War II / Bill Gunston combat aircraft library American fighters of World War II / David A. Anderton combat aircraft library Modern American combat aircraft / David A. Anderson Schiphol : luchtvaartstad / René de Leeuw combat aircraft library British and European combat aircraft / Paul A. Jackson