A big batch of prisoners captured by the British in their new succes - Official photographs taken on the British western front - The battle … A big batch of prisoners captured in the new successes of the British - Official photographs taken on the British western front - The battle … Artilleryman on the way to his battery receives a charming attention from a French girl - Official photographs taken on the British western front - … Cavalry passing round a crater on their way to the front - Scenes on the western front Cavalry passing round a crater on their way to the front - Scenes on the western front A typical scene behind the line - Scenes on the western front In de houding staande onbekende BS-ers in vergaderzaal (1) In de houding staande onbekende BS-ers in vergaderzaal (2) In de houding staande BS-ers in vergaderzaal (3) Groep infanteristen te velde met Hendrik Hordijk links op de achterste rij, omstreeks 1900 Groep infanteristen met op de achtergrond Hendrik Hordijk zit bij een aantal bomen Groep huzaren internationaal