united states strategic bombing survey Voigtlander Maschinenfabrik A.G., Plauen, Germany united states strategic bombing survey Friedrich-Alfred Huette, Rheinhausen, Germany united states strategic bombing survey Maschinenfabrik Augsburg-Nurnberg, Nurnberg, Germany united states strategic bombing survey Ludwigdshafen-Oppau works of I.G. Farbenindustrie A.G., Ludwigshafen, Germany Tachikawa aircraft company (Tachikawa Hikoki KK) : corporation report no. 10 (airframes) / United States Strategic Bombing Survey Kawasaki aircraft industries company, Inc. (Kawasaki Kokuki Kogyo Kabuskiki Kaisha) : corporation report no. 4 (air frames and engines) / The United States Strategic Bombing … house document ; 82d congress, 1st session Federal laws pertaining to veterans, 1914-1950 / [prep. by Margaret Fennell for the Committee on Veterans' Affairs] united states strategic bombing survey Kyushu Airplane Company (Kyushu HiKoKi KK) : corporation report No.XV (airframes) united states strategic bombing survey Henschel and Sohn Kassel, Germany united states strategic bombing survey Ebano asphalt werke AG. Harburg refinery : Hamburg, Germany united states strategic bombing survey Deutsche Sprengchemie GmbH Kraiburg, Germany united states strategic bombing survey Gewerkschaft Victor Castrop-Rauxel, Germany