brochures ter informatie voorspellingen van Nostradamus Toelichting bij den Wilhelmuskalender / M.G. de Boer Souvenirs des guerres napoléoniennes / [par le] lieutenant Chevalier. Publiés d'après le manuscrit original par Jean Mistler et Hélène Michaud Histoire de la guerre de Crimée / Camille Rousset Napoléon : pacifiste / Paul de Cassagnac ; préface du prince Murat GMC 6x6 and DUKW : a universal truck / Jean Michel Boniface ; [by] Jean-Michel Boniface, Jean-Gabriel Jeudy ; [translated from the French] Hoe zal deze oorlog eindigen? : een belangwekkende en actueele beschouwing op grond der voorspellingen van Michel Nostradamus gegeven in "Les vrayes Centuries et Prophéties" … influence of pressure on the dielectric constant of carbon dioxide up to 1000 atmospheres between 25ÿê and 150ÿê C / by A. Michels and C. … wisselwerking der moleculen / A. Michels communications of the "van der waals-fund" method for the measurement of the viscosity of saturated methane-oil solutions under pressure / by J. Versluys, A. Michels and J. Gerver communications of the "van der waals-fund" Calculation of thermodynamic properties of nitrogen up to 3000 atm. between 0ÿê and 150ÿê / by A. Michels, H. Wouters and J. de Boer communications of the "van der waals-fund" suggested explanation for some properties of liquid He II / by A. Michels, A. Bijl and J. de Boer