Types of prisoners recently captured by the British - Official photographs taken on the British western front - The battle of Flanders A big batch of prisoners captured by the British in their new succes - Official photographs taken on the British western front - The battle … A big batch of prisoners captured in the new successes of the British - Official photographs taken on the British western front - The battle … Artilleryman on the way to his battery receives a charming attention from a French girl - Official photographs taken on the British western front - … Cavalry passing round a crater on their way to the front - Scenes on the western front Cavalry passing round a crater on their way to the front - Scenes on the western front A typical scene behind the line - Scenes on the western front Verzameling foto's met betrekking tot Rende van de Kamp In de houding staande onbekende BS-ers in vergaderzaal (1) In de houding staande onbekende BS-ers in vergaderzaal (2) In de houding staande BS-ers in vergaderzaal (3) Verzameling persoonsgebonden materiaal met betrekking tot Christiaan Kiesling, lid van S.G. Comp. Delft, onderdeel van de NBS en "oog en oor"