marine corps reference pamphlet brief history of the 1st Marines / by John H. Johnstone Raid on military and economic objectives in the vicinity of Vaagso Island / John C. Tovey Eerste Wereldoorlog 1914-1918 / John Keegan ; [vert. uit het Engels: Bab Westerveld ; red.: Frans T. Stoks ... et al.] publication / the public information division of the department of the army medal of honor of the United States army / [by Thom. W. Huntington and John F. Kane] Deutschland, Deutschland über alles : ein Bilderbuch / von Kurt Tucholsky und vielen Fotografen ; montiert von John Heartfield naca wartime report Wind tunnel tests of air inlet and outlet openings on a streamline body / by John V. Becker Air war against Germany and Italy : 1939-1943 / by John Herington Cadetten-Marsch Washington Post : Marschlied Liberty Bell March serie marstriomfen Capitan Rythm' parade : fantaisie jazz