schriftenreihe der bundeszentrale für politische bildung Fedayin : guerilla ohne Grenzen / Rolf Tophoven Israel pocket library / [compiled from material originally publ. in the Encyclopaedia Judaica ; ed. by Geoffrey Wigoder] Arab-Israeli wars : war and peace in the Middle East / Chaim Herzog grandes études historiques Histoire sainte / Daniel-Rops : I: Le peuple de la Bible Holy war June 1967 / comp. by the foreign staff of the London Sunday Times and a team of international photographers, with full maps and … middle east information series Defenceless : three complaints by the government of Israel respecting grave violations of the 1949 Geneva prisoners-of-war convention Israel defence forces : the Six Day War: 5.6.67, 6.6.67, 7.6.67, 8.6.67, 9.6.67, 10.6.67 / Editor: Mordechai Bar-On. Text: Nathan Shaham ; [transl. by Shishah … Israel october 1973 : een fotoverslag van de vierde Arabisch-Israelische oorlog Mijn levensverhaal / [door Mosje Dayan] ; vertaling en bewerking Adelaïde H. Catz-van Loon Israël in feiten en cijfers, 1972 information briefing Towards peace : a documentary record of Israel's statement on peace and regional cooperation and proposals for their attainment ; from 1947 to the present … Features of Israel : the Yom Kippur War