Military Training Pamphlet. no. 35. Part 8. Royal Armoured Corps. Weapons. Heavy Machine Gun. (BESA 15 mm. Mark I) Military Training Pamphlet. no. 35. Part 14. Royal Armoured Corps. Weapons. Ordnance Q.F. & S.A. 6-Ponder Gun Military Training Pamphlet. no. 60. Part 1. Royal Armoured Corps. The tactical employment of Armoured Car and Reconnaissance Regiments. General principles regarding the tactical employment … militaire groet. OA 95 Military Training. FM 21-5 Military Training. FM 21-5 Military Training Aids. FM 21-8 Military Training Pamphlet. no. 60. Part 4. The tactical employment of Armoured Car and Reconnaissance Regiments Military Training Pamphlet. no..4. Withdrawal. WO 7624 Military Training Pamphlet. no. 20. Part 1. The Assault Crossing of Water Obstacles.The Opposed Crossing of a Water Obstacle. WO 8213 Military Training Pamphlet. no. 37. The Training of an Infantry Battalion. All Arms. WO 7647 Military Training Pamphlet. no.46. Part 3. Huts, Camps and Installations. no. 7657