FN Browning Pistols ; side-arms that shaped world history / Anthony Vanderlinden ; ed. by Adam Firestone FN Browning Pistols : side-arms that shaped world history / Anthony Vanderlinden ; ed. by Adam Firestone "Shaping" the world through "engagement" : assesing the department of defense's theater engagement planning process / Thomas M. Jordan, Douglas C. Lovelace, Thomas-Durell Young U.S. foreign policy for the 1970's : shaping a durable peace / by Richard Nixon shaping of psychiatry by war / John Rawlings Rees Dolk, 1475-1500 professional paper Output printing in the mechanized library / by J.M.A. Cavanagh SHAPE et le commandement allié en Europe : vingt ans au service de la paix et de la sécurité 1951-1971 Shape and allied command Europe : in the service of peace and security / [Supreme Headquarters Allied Powers Europe (SHAPE)] Shaping China's future in world affairs : the U.S. role / Robert G. Sutter Roosevelt and Hopkins : an intimate history : The men who shaped our lives / Robert E. Sherwood Landsknechtzwaard, 1500-1599