United States naval history : a bibliography buships manual Orientation training manual for DLG Terrier shipboard guided missile weapon systems (Vitro Laboratories, Silver Spring, Maryland) / United States Navy Department. Bureau of Ships : … buships manual Orientation training manual for DLG Terrier shipboard guided missile weapon systems (Vitro Laboratories, Silver Spring, Maryland) / United States Navy Department. Bureau of Ships : … integratie der strijdkrachten in de Verenigde Staten : rapport over de ontwikkeling van het ogenblik der aanvaarding van de "National Security Act of 1947" tot … Vietnamese bestand onder de loupe / H. J. Neuman Air power : key to survival / by Alexander P. De Seversky f.t.p. Landing operations doctrine / United States Navy, Office of Naval Operations, Division of Fleet Training Dictionary of American naval fighting ships / Navy Department. Naval History Division, Office of the Chief of Naval Operations : Vol.2 chiefs of naval operations and admiral's house History of United States naval operations : Korea / by James A. Field Jr ; with a forew. by Ernest McNeill Eller army air forces aviation psychology program research reports Psychological research on operational training in the continental air forces / ed by Meredith P. Crawford ...[et al] c(oast) g(uard) Coast Guard Auxiliary uniform : awards and flag code manual / Department of Transportation United States Coast Guard