russian research center studies How the Soviet system works : cultural, psychological, and social themes / Raymond A. Bauer, Alex Inkeles and Clyde Kluckhohn technology press books in the social sciences Nine Soviet portraits / Raymond A. Bauer; with the assistence of Edward Wasiolek sowjetrussische Deutschlandpolitik 1945-1955 : eine Studie zur Zeitgeschichte / Werner Erfurt publication Confuse and control : Soviet techniques in Germany Identification des chars Soviétiques = Identificering van de Sowjet-Tanks / Ministerie van Landsverdediging Generale Staf - België Voorschrift phoebus history of the world wars Soviet ground and rocket forces / by Cristopher Donnelly, Bill Gunston and James E. Dornan Spetsnaz : the story behind the Soviet SAS / Viktor Suvorov ; transl. from the Russian Ugolovno-protessual'nyi kodeks RSFSR : […] SSSP : Administrativno-territorialʹnoe delenie soi︠u︡znykh respublik : na 1 ijoelja 1967 goda Sojuza Sovetskich Socialističeskich Respublik, Prezidium Verchovnogo Soveta Sojuza Sovetskich Socialističeskich Respublik 1917-1967 / [Glavnyi redaktor B. A. Vvedenski] RSFSR v cifrach v 1967 godu : kratkij statističeskij sbornik / [Otv. za vyp.: V. Lijv]. Centralʹnoe statističeskoe upravlenie pri Sovete ministrov RSFSR V pomoshchʹ doprizyvniku / N.A. Beshkarev, V.T. Emelʹa︠a︡nov, M.V. Stegant︠s︡ev, I.A. Shli︠a︡khov - В помощь допризывнику / N.A. Beshkarev, V.T. Emelʹa︠a︡nov, M.V. Stegant︠s︡ev, I.A. Shli︠a︡khov