Europeesche oorlog / rede uitgesproken door David Lloyd George in Queen's Hall te Londen op 19 September 1914 ; [vert. uit het Engelsch] werk der vrouwen in Groot Brittannië / door Hall Caine ; vert. [uit het Engels] van Frans Teding van Berkhout hundred years of military music : being the story of the Royal military school of music Kneller Hall / P.L. Binns Soviet power : energy resources, production and potentials / Jordan A. Hodgkins school geometry / H.S. Hall, F.H. Stevens hallesche abhandlungen zur neueren geschichte Kanzleienstreit : ein Beitrag zur Quellenkunde der Geschichte des dreissigjährigen Krieges / von Reinhold Koser Vom militairischen Verdienste und Glück / A. von Crousaz Lehrbuch der Meteorologie / von Ludwig Friedrich Kämtz Military management for national defense / John Robert Beishline history of the second world war. united kingdom civil series North American supply / by H. Duncan Hall Documents from Simancas relating to the reign of Elizabeth, (1558-1568) / transl. from the Spanish of Tomás González and ed. with notes and introd. by … Air power : naval, military, commercial / by Claude Grahame-White and Harry Harper