Rapport sur les examens subis le 16 Oct. 1882 par la classe de milice de 1882 à son entrée de service / Gust. Jottrand Patents for Inventions : Abridgments of specifications. : class 9, ammunition. torpedoes, explosives, and pyrotechnics. : Period-A.D. 1897-1900 Patents for Inventions : Abridgments of specifications. : class 9, ammunition. torpedoes, explosives, and pyrotechnics. : Period-A.D. 1889-1892 Patents for Inventions : Abridgments of specifications. : class 9, ammunition. torpedoes, explosives, and pyrotechnics. : Period-A.D. 1884-1888 Patents for Inventions : Abridgments of specifications. : class 9, ammunition. torpedoes, explosives, and pyrotechnics. : Period-A.D. 1867-1876 Patents for Inventions : Abridgments of specifications. : class 9, ammunition. torpedoes, explosives, and pyrotechnics. : Period-A.D. 1855-1866 Working Instructions. Wavemeter Class D no. 1, MK 1, MK II and MK II* - Engeland Voorschrift Zwart-wit luchtfoto Sovjet Helikoptercarrier 113 "Leningrad" van de Moskva-klasse Zend/ontvanger, in koffer 1944, gebruikt door mw B.J. Mulder-Gemmeke alias Els van Dalen Patents for inventions : Abridgments of specifications. Class 119, Small-arms. Period A.D. 1855-1930