The battle of Flanders The battle of Flanders Official photograph of Gemerais. Visit to the British Western front. Artillerymen outside dug out. A tractor having brought up a big gun gets temporarily stuck but this does not stop the gunners getting quickly into action Mr Ben Tillett drinks coffee with troops at a Y.M.C.A. depot Mr. Ben Tillett British Labour Member of Parliament saying good-bye to some transport men. The prime minister in France. Mr. Chamberlain - wearing a mackintosh over a purplish suit of plus fours, and with canvas puttees on his legs … R.A.F. fighter bombers smashes V2 targets. R.A.F. Wing tempest shoots down eleven German aircraft U.S. Soldiers cross the rhine Album met voornamelijk foto's en egodocumenten van Nederlands-Indië veteraan E. van den Brink, 1946-1950