wellington studies Wellington studies 2 / ed. by C.M. Woolgar ; Hartley Library, University of Southampton wellington studies Wellington studies 3 / ed. by C.M. Woolgar ; Hartley Library, University of Southampton Refining American strategy in Africa / Steven Metz working paper. series 4 Instability in the Balkan region after the Kosovo war / Marc-André Ryter ; [foreword by Heikki Hult] Rapid decisive operations : an assumptions-based critique / Antulio J. Echevarria II W(h)ither corps? / D.Robert Worley utsikt mot utveckling, nr. 15 Kosovo and the changing face of humanitarian action Transatlantic security agenda : a conference report and analysis / Stephen J. Blank studies in asymmetry new craft of intelligence : achieving asymmetric advantage in the face of nontraditional threats / Robert D. Steele series 4. working papers Peace building and prevention of conflicts / Klaus Törnudd Infanterie-Gefecht : Reglementarisch-taktische Studie : Das Bataillon, das Regiment und die Brigade / Möller neha-series iii Kapitaal, ondernemerschap en beleid : studies over economie en politiek in Nederland, Europa en Azië van 1500 tot heden : afscheidsbundel voor prof. dr. P.W. …