Rifle Company. Infantry, Airborne Infantry and Mechanized Infantry. FM 7-11 Infantry Airborne Infantery and Mechanized Infantry Rifle Plantoons and Squads. FM 7-15 Combat Support Company Infantry Division Battle Group. FM 7-19 Infantry, Airborne, Infantry, and Mechanized Infantry Battalions. FM 7-20 Headquarters and Headquarters Company Infantry Division. Battle Group. FM 7-21 Communication in Infantry and Airborne Divisions. FM 7-24 Supply and Ecacuation. The Infantry Regiment: Service Company and Medical Detachment. FM 7-30. Service and Medical Companies Infantry Regiment. FM 7-30 Infantry, Antitank Company, Infantry Regiment and Antitank Platoon, Infantry Battalion. FM 7-35. Tank Company, Infantry Regiment. FM 7-35 Tank and Mechanized Infantery Company Team. FM 71-1 Tank and mechanized Infantry Battalion Task Force. FM 71-2