Artillery Training. Survey, Volume VI. Pamphlet no. 9. Computation Artillery Training.. Volume IV. Part I. Pamphlet no. 25. A.A. Gunnery, Tactical Control.. WO 7039 Artillery Training. Volume IV. Part I. Pamphlet no. 5. A.A. Gunnery. Mechanical Devices. WO 7087 Artillery Training. Volume IV. Part I. Pamphlet no. 4. A.A. Gunnery. Use range tables (Heavy and Light A.A). and corrections for abnormal conditions (Heavy A.A.). … Artillery Training. Volume IV. Part I. Pamphlet no. 45. A.A. Gunnery. Electrical Devices. WO 7119 Artillery Training. Volume V, Part I. Pamphlet no. 5. Coast Gunnery. Ballistics. WO 7148 Artillery Training. Volume I, Pamphlet no. 9. General Tactical Employment, Anti-Tank Tactics - Engeland Voorschrift 26/GS Publications/988 WO 7255 Artillery Training. Volume II, Pamphlet no. 16 : deployment of a heavy Anti-Aircraft Regiment - Engeland Voorschrift 26/GS Publications/1013 WO 7265 Artillery Training. Volume IV, Part I, Pamphlet no. 3. A.A. Gunnery, Ballistics (Heavy and Light A.A.). WO 7281 Artillery Training. Volume IV, Part I. Pamphlet no. 14. A.A. Gunnery, Gun and fuze calibration (Heavy A.A.), WO 8215 Artillery Training. Volume III. Pamphlet no. 15. Field Gunnery, Upper Register Firing Artillery Training. Volume III. Pamphlet no. 5. Field Gunnery, Predicted Fire. WO 8248