red army today / by Louis B. Ely C.I.S.M. : an open door... = une porte ouverte / [conçue, composée et mise en pages par Edmond Petit] Manual of military law / The War Office Tactics and technique of infantry : a textbook for members of the regular army, national guard, and organized reserve corps Military pyrotechnics : the history and development of military pyrotechnics / H.B. Faber ; with an historical intr. by Marvin Dana Military engineering : Bridging / Army Council Military engineering : Water supply / Army Council training manual Carpentry for military specialists / United States Army Text book of fortification and military engineering, for use at the Royal Military Academy For a transport (long voyage; when carrying a medical officer and under 300 military passengers) military training pamphlet Field engineering (all arms) elite series military sniper since 1914 / text by Martin Pegler ; colour plates by Ramiro Bujeiro