Military Leadership. FM 22-100 Qualification Tests for Specialists, Field Artillery. FM 6-125 Infantry, Antitank Company, Infantry Regiment and Antitank Platoon, Infantry Battalion. FM 7-35. Tank Company, Infantry Regiment. FM 7-35 Heavy Mortar Company, Infantry Regiment. FM 7-37. Infantry Regiment. FM 7-40. Tank and Mechanized Infantery Company Team. FM 71-1 Tank and mechanized Infantry Battalion Task Force. FM 71-2 Training Memorandum. no. 24. Royal Engineers. WO 8271 Signal Training. (All Arms). Pamphlet no.5. Procedure for Morse Telegraphy, Line Telephony and Visual Signalering. WO 7040 Signal Training. (All Arms). Pamphlet no.5. Signal Procedure. Part II. Procedure for Morse Telegraphy, Line Telephony and Visual Signalering, WO 7040 Infantry Training. Volume I. Infantry Platoon Weapens. Pamphlet no.3. Rifle and Bayonet (All Arms) WO 8368