A Company 164 Officer Cadet Training Unit 28th January 1947 "F" Coy., Special Wing, Basic O.C.T.U., 26 Platoon, Aldershot, 1946 Artillerie Légère. 1792-1814 République et Empire, 1810 Empire Ex-Garde Soldat du Train, 1824 Restauration Garde Royale Soldat du Train, 1840 Costume Actuel - Costumes de … Trains. Empire Train d' Artillerie 1806, Empire Train des équipages 1811, Restauration Train d' Artillerie 1824, Epoque actuelle Train des équipages 1843, Epoque actuelle Train … Mine Awaeness Training Team [sic] Training van een Indonesische strijdgroep (later Indonesische leger TNI) na de onafhankelijkheidsverklaring augustus 1945 Verzameling van 40 foto's van een oefening met Combat Manoeuvre Training Centre (MCTC) van SAAB - Verzameling foto's van de sectie communicatie van de 43e … Tactics and performance of American Army air bombardment and enemy fighter interception : since 7 december 1941 / prepared by The Intelligence Section of the … Training the Roman cavalry : from Arrian's Ars Tactica / Ann Hyland training manual Field music : the bugler / prep. under dir. of the Commandant, the Army Music School conference bulletin Quartermaster processing, packaging, packing and marking training guide : priciples of corrosion prevention, cleaning of metal parts prior to applaction of corrosion preventives Lockheed. Contract specification Lockheed 212 twin engine military training airplane and personel transport, Final approval for the Netherlands east gov.