Standing instructions for officers commanding units and drafts ordered overseas war : Long sea voyage order van den Prins van Oranje aan Chassé uit St.-Symphorien, in den vroegen morgen van den 15en Juni 1815 : of Documenten en hypothesen / … Vaste orders docenten / Hogere Krijgsschool Even liatten mannen! / order van majoor-aalmoezenier Hans Helmer aan gerepatrieerden order van den Prins van Oranje uit St.-Symphorien / [met begeleidende tekst van] G.J.W. Koolemans Beijnen report / house of representatives National armories - superintendency of / [committed to a Committee of the Whole on the state of the Union, and ordered to be printed ; … Herz. uitg. der algemeene orders voor het Nederlandsch-Indische leger Queen's orders of chivalry / Ivan de Labere Siege of Acre or descriptive collections relative to the late scene of contest in Syria between the British and Turkish force under the orders of … Lists of War Department publications and index to general orders bulletins and numbered circulairs statutory rules and orders Emergency powers (defence) : the defence regulations, 1939 (being regulations made under the Emergency Powers (Defence) Act, 1939, printed as amended up to and including … Records of the World War : Field Orders : 2D Army Corps / War Office