Spandauer Tagebücher / Albert Speer Geen plaats om het hoofd neer te leggen" : de Joodse tragedie in Europa en haar oplossing / Victor Gollancz Atomic energy for military purposes : the official report on the development of the atomic bomb under the auspices of the United States Government, 1940-1945 … german trucks & cars in world war ii VW at war : Kübelwagen, Schwimmwagen, & special vehicles / Michael Sawodny; [translated from the German by David Johnston] studies in the social and cultural history of modern warfare War and remembrance in the twentieth century / ed. by Jay Winter and Emmanuel Sivan Ereveld Loenen : laatste rustplaats van Nederlandse oorlogsslachtoffers / Jan Heerze, Jack Kooistra, Johan Teeuwisse new vanguard series Sherman medium tank : 1942-1945 / text by Steven J. Zaloga ; colour plates by Steven J. Zaloga and Peter Sarson Erwin Rommel / L. Koch ; trad. de l'allemand par R. Jouan Heer in Fesseln : aus den Papieren des Stabchefs von Rommel, Kesselring und Rundstedt / von Siegfried Westphal Hutchinson's pictorial history of the war : a complete and authentic record in text and pictures / edit. by Walter Hutchinson [etc.] Ich hörte die Lerchen singen : ein Tagebuch aus dem Osten, 1941-45 / Kurt Matthies prisma-boeken Ciano contra Mussolini / Maxime Mourin ; vert. [uit het Frans] door R. van Altena